Saturday, October 15, 2022

Medicines and plants mentioned in Atharvaveda botanical hymns

Medicines and plants mentioned in Atharvaveda botanical hymns

        Man has depended on many types of medicines and plants during his life time. He uses some vegetation for his own survival and some for the health and prosperity of his animals. It is not possible for a human being to survive with the knowledge of only one type of medicine-vegetables. Therefore, it is necessary for a man to have knowledge of different types of medicines-vegetables, so that his life becomes easy and he can live long with good health. According to the opinion of various Vedic commentators, the introduction of the medicines and plants mentioned in the Atharvaveda botanical hymns can be given in the following way –

1.       Apamarga

 All the commentators of Atharvaveda have described it in their respective commentaries by this name "Apamarga". Acharya Sayan in his commentary has also mentioned its another name "Sahadevi". In Atharvaveda, mainly 3 distinctions of Apamarga vegetation are found – White, Krishna and Red. The qualities of these three are the same. Uses - In Atharvaveda, Apamarga is described as a medicine to remove infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, leprosy, apasmara, etc., which we get from our parents. Apamarga vegetation is bitter, hot, bitter, phlegmatic, itchy and destroyer of blood related diseases. In the treatment of typhoid fever, Prishniparni and Apamarga are used appropriately. This plant enhances the radiance of the body, destroys diseases like ulcers, poison, vata, phlegm and itching.

2.       Arjuna

 Arjuna is described in the 8th hymn of the second Kand of Atharvaveda. In this hymn, the law to cure diseases is obtained from the wood of Arjuna, from the husk of barley and the gem made from sesame seeds. Uses- Arjuna is described in the Atharvaveda as a medicine that destroys all kinds of diseases like diarrhea, tuberculosis, etc.

3.       Demonic Shyama Vegetable

 The description of the demonic Shyama vegetation is found in the 24th Sukta of the first Kand of Atharvaveda. This Shyama vanaspati is formed by the combination of two medicines which improve the complexion of the body. Uses - In Atharvaveda, the demonic Shyama botanical is described as an anti-leprosy drug. In this hymn, the words Kilas and Palit have been used for white leprosy. Quite often, both Kilas and Palit are the differences of white leprosy. To make the color of the entire skin of the place of leprosy similar to the actual color of the body is the main function of the demoniac Shyama vegetation. That is why it is used in leprosy.

4.       Haridra (Turmeric)

23rd Sukta of Atharvaveda's first Kanda Naktanjatasayoshadhe Rame Krishnae Asikni Ch. Ind Rajni Rajay Kilas Palitin Chayat. In the above mantra, the names of Rama, Krishna, Asikni, and Rajni are the narrators of medicines, 'According to Acharya Dhanvantari- Haridra, Daruharidra, Udkirya (Karanjbheda), Rochana etc. Uses- Acharya Sayana mentions Haridra as a medicine that removes whiteness of the body because it was born at night.

5.       Ascini

Acharya Sayan in his commentary has described it as a medicine called 'Neel'. Uses- In the Atharvaveda, the remedy of leprosy and hair ripening has been prescribed by the use of Asikni (Neil).

6.       Durva (Sahasrakand) –

 The description of this plant is found in the 7th Sukta of the Second Kand of Atharvaveda. The origin of Durva vegetation is more there, where there is an abundance of water. Everyone knows about the use-curse - abusing, talking about the destruction of others in anger, uttering bad words, etc., all the disgusting things come under the curse. Just as ordinary men and women abuse, in the same way a man with knowledge also speaks bad and bad things in anger. All this happens due to anger, if anger is gone and in its place a calm and thoughtful nature comes, then the attitude of cursing will go away. Therefore, while praising the medicine called Sahasrakand (Durva) in the Atharvaveda, it has been said that by the use of this medicine the angry attitude of giving shop should be removed. Sahasrakand (Durva) plant is used in the medicine.

7.       Bhagwati and Taraka

 The description of these plants is found in the 8th Sukta of the Second Kand of Atharvaveda. According to commentators like Acharya Sayan and Harishan Siddhantlankar etc., the meaning of the special constellations (Sun and Moon) having the form of light and opulence has been assumed from Bhagwati and Taraka. According to commentator Shriram Sharma Acharya, Bhagwati, Raka (Sun Moon constellation). While Shripad Damodar Satavalekar considers both these words to be medicinal. From Bhagwati – Vaishnavi, Shatavari, Tulsi, Aparajitaya Vishnukanta and Taraka – Devatavriksha, Indravaruni, Patrakshar, Mothi etc. Use - The disease which comes from the body of the parents or also from the body of their ancestors to their children, that genetic disease is called regional disease. For the prevention of such diseases in Atharvaveda, two such plants are described, Bhagwati and Taraka. "Bhagwati and tarake" both the words here denoting this medicine are dual. This gives the sense that from this one name, 2-2 plants are to be taken. Thus there are four plants under these two names, which cure regional diseases. Along with this, it also increases the radiance of the body.

8.       Deca tree

 Its description is found in the 9th Sukta of the Second Kand of Atharvaveda. Commentators like Shripad Damodar Satavalekar and Harisharan Siddhantalankar etc. have described a medicine called "Dashmool" made from the combination of ten trees. Acharya Sayana assumes the meaning of Dasha-Vriksha as Palash, Gular etc. Uses- A plant called Dashvriksha removes rheumatism (recipient) disease. This rheumatic disease keeps the joints tight, due to which a person cannot walk. If its treatment is done with the Dasvriksha, then that patient can get quick recovery and behave like other living human beings. 10 medicines are famous in the legal texts by the name 'Dashmool'. They have great fame in the matter of being the destroyer of vatarog, it is possible that they are only ten trees described by the name Dashmool. Oil, Ghrita, Kashaya, Asava, Arishta etc. are also made from these ten trees, which are famous in curing gout.

9.       Questionnaire

 Its description is found in the 25th Sukta of the Second Kand of Atharvaveda. Almost all the commentators have quoted it in their commentary by the name of 'Prishniparni'. According to Satavalekar, it is also known by the names Chitraparni, Peethavan, Pitavan and Pathouni etc. Uses - Not following the rules of brahmacharya and doing malpractices leads to blood defects. As a result of which diseases like Pandu disease, tuberculosis etc. The place of origin of these diseases has also been clearly described in the Vedas. In the Atharvaveda, there has been a provision for the treatment of diseases by the medicinal plant. In the Atharvaveda, the treatment of blood defects has been described by taking the patient to the mountain. This plant is a very powerful medicine to destroy the disease which dries the blood. Consumption of Prishniparni will remove blood defects, blood will start increasing in the body, the body will start getting stronger, the body will get stronger, the ugliness of the womb will be removed and the pregnancy will start growing. In this way, consuming pishniparni is going to bring many benefits.

10.   Covenant

 Their description is found in the 7th Sukta of the fourth Kanda of Atharvaveda. Almost all the commentators have described it as an anti-venom. Uses - Atharva Veda considers a healthy body as the key to a prosperous life, but toxic elements cause disorders in a healthy body. Poison causes unconsciousness or unconsciousness. If the poison becomes severe, the patient also dies. Therefore, if Vacha medicine is used, then unconsciousness can be removed. It has been told in the Atharvaveda that if a medicine called Vacha is used, the poison cannot exert its effect and it removes unconsciousness.

11.   Rohini

 The description of this plant is found in the 12th Sukta of the fourth Kanda of Atharvaveda. Almost all the commentators have described it by the name Rohini. Another name for it is also found in Atharvaveda, Arundhati. In the subodh commentary of Satavalekar ji, its description is also found by the name of Measrohini. Uses - This medicine is a semen enhancer and destroyer of tridoshas. This plant heals the broken parts of the body. It is also called Arundhati. If the body is hurt, the organ is burnt, the organ is suppressed, then by the use of this plant, the joint of the body becomes undone, with this medicine all the organs of the body, the marrow, the flesh and the bones are complete. This plant heals the organs of the body - marrow, skin, blood, bone, flesh, skin, and broken organs.

12.   Virus

Its description is found in the 44th Sukta of Atharvaveda Keshta Kanda. Use- The flow of blood flows in the body due to the trauma of weapons etc. Sometimes it comes out with a special velocity, this is called bleeding. In the Atharvaveda, a plant called Vishanaka has been prescribed to stop bleeding or bleeding. Apart from this, the law of treatment of rheumatic diseases, phlegm, cough etc. and genetic diseases from a plant called Vishnaka is found in Atharvaveda.

13.   Varun

 In the 85th Sukta of Atharvaveda, a plant named Varuna has been described. In the commentary of Acharya Sayana, it has been quoted by the name of Varana. Whereas in the Subodh commentary of Satavalekar ji, it is described as a plant called Varuna. Both its names are found in the Atharvaveda commentary by Harishan Siddhantalakar. Uses- Bark of Varuna is digestive and potent. It destroys ashmari (stone disease). The decoction of its bark dissolves the stone and expels it through urine. It cures Urinary dosha, Urukrichchar (difficulty passing urine), Vatgulma (rheumatism) and blood disorders. This plant has been described in the Vedas for the treatment of Rajayakshama (TV). It is a blood purifier and a plant that cures gout.

14.   Leprosy

In the 95th Sukta Gaya of the Sixth Kand of Atharvaveda, a plant named Kuth has been described. Achar Ya Sayan has described it in his commentary by the name "Kootha". Whereas Shri Ram Sharma Acharya and Harishan Siddhantlankar etc. commentators have quoted it in their two commentaries under the name "6 leprosy". Uses- Leprosy (Lush) medicine is especially antipyretic and anthelmintic. Leprosy originates from the Himalayas and is closely related to Somalata. This medicine is often used in the prevention of diseases like gout disorders, tuberculosis, cough, eye diseases, gonorrhea, mango (amn) etc.

15.   stems

 Its description is found in the 100th Sukta of the Atharva Veda. The main feature of this vegetation is that it grows on dry land. Uses- A plant called stem is grown in the desert. This plant is used in the prevention of poison related defects.

16.   Chipudru

 Its description is found in the 127th hymn of the Atharvaveda. All the commentators have quoted it in their commentaries under the name Chipudru. Uses- In Atharvaveda, Chipudru has been described as a very important plant. It is said to be the destroyer of cough, boil, pimple, bleeding, skin diseases etc. of this plant It also cures gallstones, femoral glands, ear diseases, phlegm, erysipelas and heart diseases. Niyas (glue, lisa) comes out from Chipudru. It is called Viroja or Piroja. Its ointment is made, it is beneficial for all skin diseases and rashes (wounds).

17.   Nittani

 Its description is found in the 136th and 137th hymns of the Atharvaveda. In the commentary by Acharya Sayan, it has been described as a herb called "Kalmachi". Which we all know by the name of Makoy in Hindi language. Whereas the commentators like Satavalekar and Harisharan Siddhantalankar have described it in their respective commentaries by the name of Nittni. Use- By this the law of treatment of hair diseases is found in Atharvaveda. This medicine increases hair growth and strengthens their roots. Where there is no hair, new hair grows there. It is an underground drug.

18.   Sahasraparni (Conchpushpi)

The description of a plant called Sahastraparni is found in the 139th Sukta of Atharvaveda Keshta Kand. Acharya Sayan in his commentary has described it as Shankhpushpi, whereas in Satavalekar's Subodh Bhashya it is mentioned as a Sahasrapani medicine. Uses - Sahastraparni (conchpushpi) plant has been mentioned in the Atharvaveda for the removal of semen-related defects and as a semen-enhancer plant. According to Atharvaveda it has hundred branches, thirty three roots and thousand leaves. It is described in the Atharvaveda as a fortunate and captivating plant. For good luck, there is a law to tie its root in the hand. It increases mental peace, radiance and intelligence. The love of husband and wife is strengthened by the consumption of this plant.

19.   Demonic Vegetation

 The description of demonic vegetation is found in the 39th Sukta of the Seventh Kand of Atharvaveda. Almost all the commentators have quoted it as Rajika (Rai) in their respective commentaries. Use Its description is found in Atharvaveda as a Vashikaran medicine. In Atharvaveda, Asurivanaspati has been described to enhance the beauty of the woman. It is described in the Vedic texts that white mustard (Rai) increases the radiance of the body, brings beauty, and removes the defilement of the body. With its use, a woman can control her husband. Due to which the sinful conduct of man is removed, and he is not attracted towards a foreign woman. Epilogue It is clear from the above study that since the Vedic period, man has had knowledge of many types of medicines and plants. By using these, he used to get many means of food, health etc. Vedic human beings had the knowledge of many types of medicinal plants that give life, destroy disease, suppress disease, never harm etc. This medicine-vegetable not only used to protect us when we got sick, but due to their consumption, not only disease, such a law is also found in Atharvaveda. In this way, sufficient knowledge related to botanical and medicine is obtained in the entire Atharvaveda, which is developing progressively through long-term experimentation and research. As an evolved form of this knowledge, we see today Ayurvedic products of companies like Patanjali, Dabur, Himalaya, Vaidyanath etc. The Vedic medicine-vegetables used in these products are still as effective on diseases as described in the Vedic period. Thus this Vedic medicine-vegetables is relevant .

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